Graduate Teaching Assistant
I write + grade homeworks, hold office hours, lead weekly tutorial sections, and occasionally give lectures.
- Statistical Mechanics (PHYS404) - Fall 2024
- Quantum Mechanics II (PHYS402) - Fall 2024
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
As an undergraduate teaching assistant for Professor Christopher Lobb, I graded homeworks, held office hours, answered student questions, and led weekly discussion sections. These courses were taught at the University of Maryland, College Park.
- Statistical Mechanics (PHYS404) - Fall 2023
- Quantum Mechanics II (PHYS402) - Spring 2023
- Statistical Mechanics (PHYS404) - Fall 2022
Undergraduate Senior Thesis Defense (May 2024): Presented a talk on neural network ansatze for Variational Monte Carlo methods for bosonic and fermionic systems in one dimension. Covered similar content to my previous talk, with the addition of the construction of fermionic ansatze, as well as results for several bosonic and fermionic models, including many-particle systems. Slides for the talk can be found here. My senior thesis can be found here, and covers the topics in the talk, as well as methods for sampling from delta function observables using Monte Carlo methods.
UMD Physics Undergraduate Colloquium (October 2023): Presented a talk on the application of neural network ansatze to variational Monte Carlo methods for 1 dimensional bosonic systems. Slides for the talk can be found here. I discussed the challenges of traditional VMC, the benefits of neural network ansatze, as well as the challenges that occur when applying neural networks to systems with bosonic symmetries and Hamiltonians with delta function interactions. The talk was aimed towards undergraduate physics students.