Hersh Kumar


Hello! My name is Hersh Kumar and I am a first year Physics graduate student at the University of Maryland.

My interests mainly lie in quantum computation, nuclear theory, and computational physics. I am currently working on the digital quantum simulation of scattering processes. In the past, I have worked on the generation of quantum circuits for specific Hamiltonian models, for use in simulation of lattice gauge theories. More specifically, I worked on generating group operation quantum circuits for the alternating group \(A(6)\), as well as \(S(1080)\), and more recently on the Horn model, which was published in Physical Review D, here. I have also worked on the application of neural networks to the variational Monte Carlo method, for the approximation of ground state energies of quantum many-body systems. A paper regarding bosonic systems has been published in Physical Review C, here, and a preprint on fermionic systems can be found on the arXiv, here.

For personal projects, I have written csolver, a small order arbitrary controlled NOT gate circuit finder, and khaldun, a tool for running markdown code blocks. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at hekumar@umd.edu.